Do you dream working in sphere of hotel and restaurant business? Are you looking for a job?
We realize that today there are a lot of recruitment companies, however, HoReCa Guru team, project DiningSmart, specializes on search of personnel specifically in HoReCa sphere.
The most popular vacancies in such sphere are confectioner, food technologist, room maid, bartender, chef, waiter, hall manager, accountant, lawyer, sous chef, art director, designer and others.
Our services are free of charge for those who are Looking for a Job.
In case if our database has the right candidate, the vacancies of the employer will not be posted on web site or other sources.
Therefore, we recommend you sending your CV to or now with indication of the position or vacancy you are applying to, in order to include your CV to our confidential database.
After your candidacy will be reviewed and approved, we will certainly contact and invite you for interview. It is recommended to bring to interview the employment record book (if available), references from previous job places, diplomas, education certificates, and everything else which could positively influence on employer’s choice.
We hope that thanks to HoReCa GURU you will find what you were looking for!